Some thoughts shared so that you will know that you are not alone.

The power of assumptions
I can do nothing about the behaviour or assumptions of others, but I can maintain my equanimity and do the work on myself if I am triggered.

Choice can start with realizing that we want things to be different, that we want to be different and then deciding if we want to be different. This can be followed by working on identifying our reactions, working to understand them before working to learn the different responses that are possible.

An awkward conversation, with myself
When someone revisits an issue it means that they haven’t healed from it yet, whether circumstances have changed or not. This is a perspective that I shall certainly try to hold onto in order to practice grace with others and myself.

Every day is a good day
We get to choose what we focus on, we get to choose to believe that we can control ourselves, we get to choose to pause before reacting, thereby choosing if and how we respond.

Messy can be beautiful
The selves we create, sometimes purposely, sometimes without a full understanding of how or why, can be so deeply ingrained that we cannot accept when the mirror shows us that we are not who we think we are.

Being the bigger person
I realized that I have to live my life according to who I am, not reacting to how I have been treated.

The anniversary of my divorce
February is bittersweet for me ... I used to sink into a black hole because of the fact that it is the anniversary of a failed marriage. It also marks years of learning from my mistakes, appreciating who I am, what is important to me and most importantly trusting that voice inside that sounds the quiet alarm when all is not well.

Oops, I did it again!
The silver lining is this, even though I repeated a behaviour, I was aware and knew I could make a different choice. This means that next time I should be able to stop myself before the injury takes place.

How can we heal?
The person you live with the longest is yourself, extend yourself the grace and respect to make the choices that are best for you!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
I am glad I was willing to adapt, to learn and be a little uncomfortable at first because I am now reaping a benefit that I did not anticipate.

Affirmations, habits and resolutions
We have the power this year, every day, to choose what we tell ourselves, what we repeat and what we resolve to do. Let’s choose with kindness, grace and faith.

Mind reading is NOT my super power!
I can’t apologise for a hurt I didn’t know that I caused. And it is not my responsibility to assume that I know what has happened and these truths are true for you too.

Life isn’t fair!
Our feelings are like alarms or guideposts, they are not labels or identities. Choosing healing and growth may seem impossible especially if we have lived with pain for a long time but it is possible.

Honesty is its own reward
This is a story about doing the right thing when it would have been easy not do so, and that act of integrity creating a ripple effect of generosity of spirit.

Grey or silver?
I like my grey hair. Those who know me relatively well know that I am quick to say, “Having grey hair beats the alternative!”

Poker face
Have you noticed that once the decision is made to do something difficult, peace can be found in the midst of the struggle?

Sand in my shoe
How often do we harm ourselves by firing a pre-emptive strike waiting for an attack that never happens? How often do we find ourselves recovering from hurt because we choose to ignore the early warning signs?

Can balance be achieved?
Nurture and nature, association and socialization all play a role in who we are and how we live.