After winter spring must come

William Shakespeare wrote that we are all born to die. Morbid maybe but ultimately true. The challenge then is to live, truly live while we are alive. There's a reason that certain sayings become overused, cliché. That's because they sum up universal beliefs or truths so well.

I used to get the same Email forwards from the same friends. (And now that we can share things from social media, have you ever noticed that the same people often share the same stuff over and over again?) The ones about love like you have never been hurt, dance like no-one is watching or giving affirmations to start the day.

My favourites tend to be the ones that 'remind' me that it is OK to be single, not to settle and how to be sure that he/she really loves me - cheesy perhaps but appreciated never-the-less because I often need to be reminded.

When I look back at my life there are so many things I could have done differently but at the same time I am glad that I did them wrong because now I know better.

I now believe that it is better to seek forgiveness than wait for permission. I trust my instincts. I live in the moment as best I can and (I am getting better at this) I let the people around me know how much I love and care for them because they or I could be gone too soon.

Let’s agree to live intentionally going forward.


The anniversary of my divorce


Oops, I did it again!