Grey or silver?

I have a ‘confession’.  I like my grey hair.  Those who know me relatively well know that I am quick to say, “Having grey hair beats the alternative!”  The alternative being, not living long enough to have your hair turn grey.

I have lost friends way too young.  Too young to see their children graduate from school, too young to ask a crush out on a first date, too young to fulfil our promise to each other that we would sit on rocking chairs on the patio and laugh at the young people passing by when we were finally old and grey.

As I look in the mirror and admire my silver streaks, I say a quiet ‘thank you’ that I am still alive, ‘thank you’ that I have the faculties to be a little vain about my silver hair and ‘thank you’ to those who have gone too soon for being my friend while they were here.


Honesty is its own reward


Poker face